The main goal of the Commission will be to restore the respect for the adjudicators, being the first priority keeping in mind at all our roles- and field of work of the Adjudicators Commission:
- To advise the WDSF Presidium on the proficiency of the WDSF Adjudicators
- To forward recommendations to the WDSF DanceSport Academy on the training and upgrading programme for Adjudicators
- To formulate and forward recommendations to the WDSF Sports Commission on duties and responsibilities of WDSF Adjudicators
- To act as a link and maintain a channel of communication between WDSF Presidium, WDSF commissions and the Adjudicators
- To support the relevant WDSF commissions in any Adjudicators' related matter
Operating policy WDSF Adjudicators Commission
Even before the establishment of the WDSF Adjudicators Commission the adjudicators always had the possibility to be heard through their National Member Body (NMB), as all adjudicators are an integrated part of their federation and all of our National Member Bodies do have their AGM. The Adjudicators Commission will be careful not to reduce the function of the NMB's.
Every WDSF adjudicator can contact the Adjudicators Commission, even may phone one of the Commission Members, but the Adjudicators Commission will only go into action if the wishes, complaints, recommendations etc. will be forwarded to the commission in writing - by mail or letter.
The Adjudicators Commission will not react on any anonymous letters/emails.

Kevin Juul, RSA
- Africa: Kevin Juul, RSA
- Asia: Sabrina Sim, SGP
- Oceania: Leeanne Bampton, AUS
- Phil Lee, CAN
- Alexandr Makarov
Published on 4 March 2025 (last update on 5 March 2025)