Ranking for Senior III Latin

The following results are from the WDSF Open taken place in Vienna - Austria on 26 July 2024.


Couple Country Start # Base Points
1. Patrick Lemaire - Jennifer Massaro FRA 425 300 525
2. Herbert Schoepf - Beatrix Schoepf AUT 645 270 473
3. Achim Hobl - Kerstin Hahn GER 321 240 420
4. Roberto Danero - Eleonora Cicero ITA 231 220 385
5. Frantisek Beres - Miriam Beresova SVK 148 200 350
6. Enrico Donato Chiattone - Morena Bonacini ITA 212 180 315

3. Round

Couple Country Start # Base Points
7. Reino Luoto - Tanja Luoto FIN 452 160 280
8. Hirofumi Sakamoto - Junko Sakamoto JPN 620 150 263
9. Fabio Di Maria - Loredana Casadei ITA 241 140 245
10. Peter Langthaler - Claudia Langthaler AUT 416 130 228
11. - 12. Gerhard Massenbauer - Elisabeth Sollner AUT 471 120 210
11. - 12. Krzysztof Popa - Jolanta Popa POL 572 120 210
13. Szijarto Emeric - Diana Szijarto ROU 702 100 175

2. Round

Couple Country Start # Base Points
14. Ralf Lindgren - Claudia Schall GER 438 90 158
15. Kike Tolra - Laura Belenguer ESP 717 80 140
16. Marc Gruber - Martina Gruber AUT 304 75 131
17. Hans Mistelberger - Gertrude Kopp AUT 490 70 123
18. Gong Kiljun - Akiko Koshiro JPN 297 68 119
19. - 20. Pierre Legault - Lyne Villeneuve CAN 424 66 116
19. - 20. Peter Schmiel - Sibylle Schmiel GER 642 66 116
21. - 23. Dimitrios Joannou - Tanja Joannou GER 346 62 109
21. - 23. Jun Shimizu - Hinako Shimizu JPN 668 62 109
21. - 23. Frank Sudholt - Wibke Sudholt SUI 696 62 109
24. Domenico Lamparelli - Vincenza Parisi ITA 408 55 96

1. Round

Couple Country Start # Base Points
25. Markus Buehlmann - Ulrike Johanna Nieding SUI 188 50 88
26. - 29. Uwe Arentz - Andrea Arentz GER 115 50 88
26. - 29. Arsen Jahoda - Ljubica Jahoda CRO 342 50 88
26. - 29. Knut Moeller - Iris Moeller GER 496 50 88
26. - 29. Federico Stefanini - Graziella Marinotti ITA 689 50 88
30. Ben Kimmich - Alexandra Berger Kimmich SUI 367 50 88
31. Kurt Summer - Evelyn Summer AUT 698 45 79
32. Roman Skyba - Jana Skybova CZE 677 45 79
33. Thomas Henker - Carina Nievergelt-Schmidt GER 317 45 79
34. - 35. Graziano Biagioli - Emanuela Nardini ITA 156 45 79
34. - 35. Roman Pjatakov - Julia Pjatakova EST 563 45 79
36. Helmut Rauwald - Iris Rauwald GER 588 45 79
37. - 38. Konrad Kiersnowski - Katarzyna Kiersnowska POL 364 40 70
37. - 38. John Linn - Kathy Linn USA 439 40 70
39. - 40. Korush Namdari Zandi - Lucy Gehl GER 512 40 70
39. - 40. Uwe Preuss - Antje Preuss GER 576 40 70
41. - 43. Michel Corbion - Catherine Corbion FRA 223 40 70
41. - 43. Uwe Wolf - Bianca Schilling GER 765 40 70
41. - 43. Wolfram Brod - Mila Brod GER 767 40 70

Excused couples