Adjudicators & Officials

The following people are the officials at the WDSF European Championship Standard Senior I, taking place in Didim - Türkiye on 23 March 2025


Ismet Muftuoglu TUR A view
Katarzyna Kapral POL B view
Grigore Virgil ROU C view
Violeta Yaneva BUL D view
Anita Langset NOR E view
Markus Sonyi GER F view
Alberto Valloni ITA G view
Peter Pfluger AUT H view
Rolandas Burneikis LTU I view


Luis Vano ESP

Nominated officials

Christian Costa ITA Adjudicator Declined
Pavel Imre SVK Adjudicator Declined
Emanuel Valeri DEN Adjudicator Declined
Gioia Cerasoli ITA Adjudicator Declined
Jeffrey Van Meerkerk NED Adjudicator Declined
Martin Dvorak CZE Adjudicator Declined
Ariel Grabois ISR Adjudicator Declined